NEWS: 1974

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Jan. 1, 1974

In U.S. households during 1974, the total number of working color televisions overtakes the total number of working black-and-white televisions.

It's the beginning of World Population Year as proclaimed by the United Nations.

The NBC Radio Network begins on-the-hour news 24 hours a day.

Lee MacPhail Jr., a former president and general manager of the Orioles, becomes the president of Major League Baseball's American League. He takes over from Joe Cronin.

In men's tennis, Jimmy Connors wins the Australian Open over Australian Phil Dent. It's Connors' only Australian title in his career.

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then variable cloudiness; a rain shower in the morning; breezy from mid-afternoon onward (gusts of 24 mph at 3 & 4:00 pm); High temp. 45 F; Low temp. 32 F; Precipitation: 0.07 inch.  No snow on the ground.

Jan. 2, 1974

In the wake of the energy crisis caused by the OPEC oil embargo, legislation is signed by U.S. President Richard Nixon that requires U.S. states to limit highway speeds to a maximum of 55 miles per hour to conserve gasoline. (Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, and Washington State all had the even-lower 50-mph maximum speed limit in effect for a couple of months before this national legislation was passed. The 50-mph speed limit spawned the slogan "Fifty Is Thrifty." The required maximum 55-mph speed limit goes away in 1987. Beginning in 1995, there are no federally-required maximum speed limits for states.)

A wildfire in Argentina destroys 1.2 million acres. It's the largest wildfire ever in Argentina (up to this point).

Tex Ritter dies at age 68 in Nashville, Tennessee. He was a country music singer and actor popular from the mid 1930s into the 1960s, and the patriarch of the Ritter acting family (son John, grandsons Jason and Tyler, and granddaughter Carly). He is a member of the Country Music Hall of Fame. He was born Woodward Maurice Ritter on January 12, 1905 in Murvaul, Texas.

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Mostly cloudy, then clear, then cloudy with light snow (a trace); High temp. 35 F; Low temp. 26 F; Precipitation: Trace (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Jan. 3, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy; rain from mid-morning to early afternoon, and late afternoon into evening; High temp. 33 F; Low temp. 31 F; Precipitation: 0.45 inch.
Jan. 4, 1974

U.S. President Richard Nixon refuses to give tape recordings and documents to the Senate Watergate Committee that the committee had subpoenaed.

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then becoming clear; rain in the early morning; High temp. 36 F; Low temp. 25 F; Precipitation: 0.15 inch.

Jan. 5, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Partly cloudy, then cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; High temp. 33 F; Low temp. 23 F; Precipitation: None.
Jan. 6, 1974

Daylight Saving Time begins several months earlier than normal; clocks are set ahead one hour.  This is ordered by the U.S. government in an effort to save energy during the energy crisis.  But in Maryland and across the U.S., many children and adults go to school or to work during darkness.  In Baltimore County, high schools start at 8:00 AM but students and teachers go to school in the dark and see the sun rise halfway through their first-period class.  And the junior-high-school students, who start at 8:30, arrive at school near dawn.  Many parents and kids complain about the dangers of darkness when walking, riding, or waiting for school buses. 

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy; High temp. 34 F; Low temp. 30 F; Precipitation: None.

Jan. 7, 1974

It's the second straight day of many people going to school or work in the dark. Because of widespread complaints, after this day Baltimore County will start its schools one hour later until spring vacation, to enable the early students to go to school when it's light outside.

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy to mostly cloudy, then partly cloudy to cloudy; High temp. 43 F; Low temp. 31 F; Precipitation: None.

Jan. 8, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; breezy at times in the morning; High temp. 34 F; Low temp. 26 F; Precipitation: None.
Jan. 9, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; snow (1.2 inches) and rain in the morning; High temp. 38 F; Low temp. 27 F; Precipitation: 0.51 inch (liquid).  One inch of snow on the ground.
Jan. 10, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy; rain from mid-morning to early afternoon and again in the evening; High temp. 34 F; Low temp. 30 F; Precipitation: 0.46 inch.  No snow on the ground.
Jan. 11, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy with rain in the morning, becoming partly cloudy; breezy/windy at times in the afternoon and evening (21 mph wind at 9:00 pm); High temp. 43° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: 0.23 inch.
Jan. 12, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Mostly cloudy, then cloudy with a trace of snow, then becoming clear; breezy form mid-morning onward (20 mph wind at 3:00 pm); High temp. 36° F; Low temp. 21° F; Precip.: Trace (liquid).  No snow on the ground.
Jan. 13, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, then cloudy, then clear; breezy at times in the morning (15 mph wind at 7:00 am); High temp. 28° F; Low temp. 15° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 14, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, becoming cloudy, then partly cloudy; High temp. 33° F; Low temp. 14° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 15, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, then cloudy, then clear; High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 22° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 16, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, then cloudy, then mostly cloudy; breezy at times in the afternoon (15 mphwind at 4:00 pm); High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 17, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Partly cloudy, then clear, then becoming cloudy; breezy at times in the morning and afternoon (15 mph wind at 8:00 am); High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 18, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy; High temp. 36° F; Low temp. 25° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 19, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then partly cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy with light rain; breezy in late afternoon (14 mph wind at 5:00 pm); High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: Trace.
Jan. 20, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy; breezy at times in the morning (14 mph wind at 5:00 am); High temp. 40° F; Low temp. 35° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 21, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, becoming clear; rain from mid-morning to early afternoon; breezy at times in late morning and afternoon (15 mph wind at 11:00 am); High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: 0.63 inch.
Jan. 22, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, then cloudy to mostly cloudy, then clear; High temp. 60° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 23, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, becoming cloudy with light rain, then mostly cloudy; breezy/windy from mid-evening onward (14 mph sustained wind and 23 mph gust at 9:00 pm); High temp. 68° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: Trace.
Jan. 24, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Mostly cloudy, becoming cloudy; rain in the afternoon and evening; breezy early in the morning (14 mph wind just after midnight & at 1:00 am); High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: 0.19 inch.
Jan. 25, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; light rain in the morning with a trace of snow; High temp. 49° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: 0.08 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.
Jan. 26, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; light rain showers in late morning and in late evening; High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: 0.04 inch.
Jan. 27, 1974

The high temperature in Baltimore reaches 72 degrees F, a tie for the highest-ever temperature in Baltimore on any January 27th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871. This high temperature ties the 72 F that was recorded in Baltimore on January 27, 1944.

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Cloudy, then clear, then partly cloudy; light rain early in the morning; breezy/windy from mid-morning until evening (23 mph sustained wind and 31 mph gust at 8:00 am); High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

Jan. 28, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Partly cloudy, then cloudy, then partly cloudy; light rain from mid-afternoon to mid-evening; High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: 0.09 inch.
Jan. 29, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Partly cloudy, then clear, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy, then mostly cloudy; breezy at times (16 mph wind at 5:00 am); High temp. 54° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 30, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Mostly cloudy, then cloudy, becoming clear; High temp. 59° F; Low temp. 35° F; Precip.: None.
Jan. 31, 1974

Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Clear, then partly cloudy to cloudy, then clear; breezy/windy in the afternoon and evenng (14 mph sustained wind & 28 mph gust at 3:00 pm); High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: None.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during January 1974 is 2.92 inches, including melted snow and ice, below the normal amount of 3.08 inches.  The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during January 1974 is 45.6 degrees F, above the normal of 43.2 degrees.  The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during January 1974 is 30.2 degrees F, above the normal of 25.4 degrees.  A total of 1.2 inches of snow falls at Baltimore's official weather station at BWI Airport during January 1974, well below the normal of 6.4 inches.

Feb. 1, 1974

The U.S. national speed limit is 50 miles per hour, and "Fifty is thrifty" public-service announcements are all over radio and TV.  Very long lines of cars appear at gasoline stations as the energy crisis deepens.  Some gasoline stations do run out of gas., but the huge crowds of people who are coming just to top off their tanks are blamed for exacerbating the problem.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 45° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 43° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: 0.06 inch.

Feb. 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 31° F; Low temp. 27° F; Precip.: 0.03 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 4, 1974

Newspaper heiress Patricia "Patty" Hearst, age 19, is kidnapped from her apartment in Berkeley, California. A group called the Symbioese Liberation Army (SLA) takes responsibility for the kidnapping.  (While in SLA custody, she participates in several crimes including carjackings, abductions, and making improvised explosive devices. Patty Hearst is captured by the FBI in San Francisco, CA, on September 18, 1975.)

Baltimore weather: High temp. 35° F; Low temp. 21° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 32° F; Low temp. 16° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 6, 1974

Maryland becomes the fourth state in the U.S. to institute voluntary gasoline rationing, following Hawaii, Oregon, and Massachusetts.  In Maryland, drivers are asked to buy gasoline only on days when the oddness or evenness of their license-plate number matches the oddness or evenness of the day number.  (But soon, some people complain that because they have an even-numbered license plate, they get less of a chance to buy gasoline than those with odd numbers, because some months end with day 31 and the next day is 1. Maryland then lets anyone buy gasoline on the 31st of a month regardless of their license-plate number.)

Baltimore weather: Rain, freezing rain and a trace of snow; High temp. 32° F; Low temp. 21° F; Precip.: 0.13 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 44° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: Trace.

Feb. 8, 1974

Baltimore receives 6.3 inches of snow in a storm that occurs from mid-morning until evening.

BWI Airport gets 6.3 inches of snow, the greatest snowfall on one day for BWI Airport in 1974.

Baltimore weather: Snow (6.3 inches); High temp. 31° F; Low temp. 20° F; Precip.: 0.26 inch (liquid).  5 inches of snow on the ground.

Feb. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 28° F; Low temp. 10° F; Precip.: 5 inches of snow on the ground.

Feb. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 33° F; Low temp. 9° F; Precip.: None.  3 inches of snow on the ground.

Feb. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 32° F; Low temp. 22° F; Precip.: Trace/  One inch of snow on the ground.

Feb. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 23° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 13, 1974

Alexander Solzhenitsyn, an author and Nobel prize winner, is expelled from the Soviet Union.

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 26° F; Precip.: 0.10 inch.  A trace of snow on the ground.

Feb. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: Trace (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 35° F; Low temp. 22° F; Precip.: Trace (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: Snow (0.3") and rain; High temp. 34° F; Low temp. 19° F; Precip.: 0.10 inch (liquid).  A trace of snow on the ground.

Feb. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 44° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: None.  A trace of snow on the ground.

Feb. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 20° F; Precip.: None.  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: 0.06 inch.

Feb. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 52° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: Trace.

Feb. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 27° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 42° F; Precip.: 0.10 inch.

Feb. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: Trace (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: Snow (one inch); High temp. 38° F; Low temp. 25° F; Precip.: None.  One inch of snow on the ground.

Feb. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 38° F; Low temp. 19° F; Precip.: None.  No snow on the ground.

Feb. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 45° F; Low temp. 20° F; Precip.: None.

Feb. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 24° F; Precip.: Trace.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during February 1974 is 0.94 of an inch, including melted snow and ice, well below the normal amount of 2.90 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during February 1974 is 42.9 degrees F, below the normal of 46.4 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during February 1974 is 24.6 degrees F, below the normal of 26.9 degrees. A total of 7.6 inches of snow falls at Baltimore's official weather station at BWI Airport during February 1974, just above the normal amount of 7.5 inches.

Mar. 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 54° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: Trace.

Mar. 2, 1974

The new National Maximum Speed Law takes effect.  The maximum speed limit is set at 55 miles per hour on all 4-lane (or more) divided highways unless they had a lower limit before November 1, 1973.  Thus, Maryland''s 50-mph speed maximum (enacted by the state) is raised to 55 mph.

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 49° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: 0.10 inch.

Mar. 3, 1974

Turkish Airlines Flight 981, a McDonnell Douglas DC-10 jet, crashes into the Ermenonville Forest outside Paris, France, killing all 346 people on board.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 4, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 50° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: 0.12 inch.

Mar. 7, 1974

The high temperature in Baltimore reaches 76 degrees F, the record-highest temperature ever recorded in Baltimore on any March 7th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 63° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: 0.14 inch.

Mar. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 44° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: 0.04 inch.

Mar. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 58° F; Low temp. 42° F; Precip.: Trace.

Mar. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain and a trace of snow; High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: 0.07 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Mar. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain and a trace of snow; High temp. 45° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: 0.03 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Mar. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 24° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 52° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 27° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: 0.31 inch.

Mar. 17, 1974

All of the Arab countries except Libya announce that they are ending their 5-month oil embargo against the U.S. The embargo had been sparked by American support for Israel in the Yom Kippur War.

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: Trace.

Mar. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

Mar. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: 0.90 inch.

Mar. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 62° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: Trace.

Mar. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 54° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 35° F; Low temp. 25° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 60° F; Low temp. 23° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: None.

Mar. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain and a trace of snow; High temp. 44° F; Low temp. 35° F; Precip.: 0.72 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Mar. 30, 1974

1.66 inches of precipitation falls in Baltimore, the most in Baltimore on any March 30th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: Rain (heavy at times); High temp. 45° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: 1.66 inches.

Mar. 31, 1974

Record producer Phil Spector is thrown through the windshield of his car when he crashes it in Hollywood, California. He nearly dies, but a police officer notices a faint pulse and Phil Spector is taken to UCLA Medical Center. He recovers, but requires more than 300 stitches to his face and more than 400 stitches to the back of his head. His head injuries may have been the reason he began to wear outlandish wigs in later years.

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: 0.01 inch.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during March 1974 is 4.12 inches, including melted snow and ice, above the normal amount of 4.01 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during March 1974 is 54.6 degrees F, just below the normal of 54.8 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during March 1974 is 35.7 degrees F, above the normal of 33.9 degrees. A trace of snow falls at Baltimore's official weather station at BWI Airport during March 1974, below the normal amount of 2.8 inches.

Apr. 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: Trace.

Apr. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: 0.06 inch.

Apr. 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 41° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 4, 1974

The Cincinnati Reds defeat the Atlanta Braves 7-6 in 11 innings before a crowd of 52,154 at Riverfront Stadium in Cincinnati, Ohio. In his first at-bat, Hank Aaron of the Braves hits a three-run homer off Jack Billingham. It's his 714th career major-league home run, tying Babe Ruth’s career record. The Braves had considered keeping Aaron on the bench for the season-opening series in Cincinnati so he could attempt to tie the record four days later in Atlanta. But Major League Baseball Commissioner Bowie Kuhn orders the Braves to put Aaron in the lineup for at least two of the three games.

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: 0.20 inch.

Apr. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 66° F; Low temp. 47° F; Precip.: 0.25 inch.

Apr. 6, 1974

Swedish pop-music group ABBA wins the Eurovision Song Contest held in Brighton, England, with a performance of their song "Waterloo."

The New York Yankees’ home opener takes place at Shea Stadium because of renovations being done at Yankee Stadium.. It's the Yankees' first home game outside Yankee Stadium since 1922. The Yankees defeat the Cleveland Indians 6-1.

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: Trace.

Apr. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 8, 1974

Hank Aaron of the Atlanta Braves hits the 715th home run of his major-league career as the Braves defeat the Los Angeles Dodgers 7-4 at Atlanta Stadium. Hank Aaron breaks the career major-league home run record that had been held by Babe Ruth (714 home runs) since May 25, 1935.  The home run comes in the bottom of the fourth inning off Dodgers pitcher Al Downing, with a man on base. (Hank Aaron ultimately hits 755 home runs in his major-league career, a record that stands until August 7, 2007, when Barry Bonds of the San Francisco Giants hits his 756th career home run. Barry Bonds hit 762 home runs in his career, the record as of 2023.) Attendance at the game is 53,775, and the Dodgers make 6 errors in the game.

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 45° F; Precip.: 1.31 inches.

Apr. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain and a trace of snow; High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: 0.18 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Apr. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: A trace of snow; High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: Trace (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Apr. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 74° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 74° F; Low temp. 55° F; Precip.: 0.38 inch.

Apr. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 73° F; Low temp. 49° F; Precip.: Trace.

Apr. 15, 1974

Giovanni D'Anzi, an Italian songwriter, dies at age 68 in Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy, He was born in Milan, Italy, on January 1, 1906.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 60° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 66° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 42° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 62° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: Trace.

Apr. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 63° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 41° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: 0.01 inch.

Apr. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain; High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: 0.20 inch.

Apr. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 42° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 29, 1974

The high temperature in Baltimore reaches 91 degrees F, the highest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any April 29th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 91° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Apr. 30, 1974

Agnes Moorehead dies at age 73 in Rochester, Minnesota. She was an actress best known for her role as Endora on the TV series "Bewitched" (from 1964 to 1972).  She also appeared in such movies as "Citizen Kane", "Show Boat", and "Hush, Hush, Sweet Charlotte". Agnes was born on December 6, 1900 in Clinton, Massachusetts.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 88° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: None.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during April 1974 is 2.59 inches, below the normal amount of 3.39 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during April 1974 is 67.5 degrees F, above the normal of 66.5 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during April 1974 is 43.0 degrees F, below the normal of 43.6 degrees.  A trace of snow falls at Baltimore's official weather station at BWI Airport during April 1974; normal is zero inches.

May 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: None.

May 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain in the evneing; High temp. 59° F; Low temp. 45° F; Precip.: 0.20 inch.

May 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain from after midnight until mid-morning; High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 46° F; Precip.: 0.37 inch.

May 4, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 48° F; Precip.: None.

May 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain in the evening; High temp. 55° F; Low temp. 41° F; Precip.: 0.13 inch.

May 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain early in the morning and late in the afternoon; High temp. 66° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: 0.06 inch.

May 7, 1974

The Orioles defeat Oakland, 9-3.  All 9 starting batters for the Orioles get at least two hits, tying a Major League record.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 58° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: None.

May 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: None.

May 9, 1974

THe U.S. House Judiciary Committee opens public hearings on whether to recommend the impeachment of U.S. President Richard Nixon. (The committee later adopts three articles of impeachment against the president, but he resigns before the full House takes up any of them.)

Baltimore weather: Rain from late morning until early afternoon; High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 52° F; Precip.: 0.34 inch.

May 10, 1974 Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 74° F; Low temp. 54° F; Precip.: Trace.
May 11, 1974

Mark Belanger ties an Orioles team record (up to this point) by getting five consecutive hits. The Orioles beat Cleveland 12-1 and get 21 hits, an Orioles team record up to this point.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 50° F; Precip.: None.

May 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain in the early morning; heavier rain from early afternoon to early evening; High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 49° F; Precip.: 0.92 inch.

May 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 66° F; Low temp. 49° F; Precip.: None.

May 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 44° F; Precip.: None.

May 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain in the evening; High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

May 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 65° F; Precip.: None.

May 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain late in the evneing; High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 65° F; Precip.: 0.09 inch.

May 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain early in the morning; High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: 0.29 inch.

May 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 68° F; Low temp. 54° F; Precip.: None.

May 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 50° F; Precip.: None.

May 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

May 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain late in the evneing; High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 54° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

May 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain in the morning; High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: 0.60 inch.

May 24, 1974

Duke Ellington dies at age 75 in New York, NY.  He was an American composer, pianist, and leader of a jazz orchestra, which he led from 1923 until his death over a career spanning more than six decades. He was born Edward Kennedy Ellington on April 29, 1899, in Washington, D.C.

Baltimore weather: Rain in late afternoon; High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: 0.29 inch.

May 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 52° F; Precip.: None.

May 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 68° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

May 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain in the early afternoon and again in the early evening; High temp. 64° F; Low temp. 52° F; Precip.: 0.06 inch.

May 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 71° F; Low temp. 45° F; Precip.: None.

May 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain in the morning; High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: 0.11 inch.

May 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain before 6:00 AM; High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: 0.04 inch.

May 31, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain late in the evening; High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: 0.04 inch.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during May 1974 is 3.58 inches, below the normal amount of 3.85 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during May 1974 is 71.7 degrees F, below the normal of 75.5 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during May 1974 is 52.0 degrees F, below the normal of 53.3 degrees.

Jun. 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; rain after midnight and early in the evening; Rain; High temp. 74° F; Low temp. 63° F; Precip.: 0.17 inch.

Jun. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; rain until evening, heaviest in mid-morning; High temp. 63° F; Low temp. 55° F; Precip.: 1.28 inches.

Jun. 3, 1974

The first half of the Class of 1974 of Woodlawn Senior High School, near Baltimore, has their graduation ceremony at the school.  Because the school auditorium can accommodate only half of the class of about 430 and their guests, the students with last names beginning with the letters A through M graduate this afternoon, with the other half to graduate the next day.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 56° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 4, 1974

The second half of Woodlawn Senior High School's Class of 1974 has their graduation ceremony this evening.  Because the school's auditorium cannot accommodate the whole class for graduation, this is the final year in which Woodlawn Senior High has graduation ceremonies at the school itself.  Next year, Woodlawn's graduation ceremony is held in the much-bigger gymnasium of UMBC in Catonsville, where the entire Woodlawn class attends one graduation ceremony.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 53° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 53° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear to partly cloudy, becoming cloudy; light rain in mid-evneing; High temp. 67° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

Jun. 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy; light rain early in the morning; briefly breezy at midday (13 mph gust at 12:00 noon); Light rain; High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 63° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

Jun. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear to partly cloudy, becoming cloudy; light rain before midnight; breezy at times in the evening (16 mph sustained wind & 22 mph gust at 9:00 PM); High temp. 92° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: 0.01 inch.

Jun. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 13, 1974

The low temperature in Baltimore reaches 51 degrees F, the lowest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any May June 13th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 14, 1974

Nolan Ryan strikes out 15 batters in 12 innings to give the California Angels a 4-3 win over the Boston Red Sox in 15 innings. Cecil Cooper of the Red Sox strikes out six times.

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jun. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 81° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy to mostly cloudy; rain after midnight and at midday; High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: 0.21 inch.

Jun. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 52° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 88° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jun. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jun. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly to mostly cloudy, becoming cloudy; rain in mid-evening; High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: 0.11 inch.

Jun. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather:Cloudy; rain at times until evening; High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: 0.46 inch.

Jun. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 74° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jun. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy to cloudy; rain early in the evening; breezy early in the evening (16 mph sustained wind at 6:00 PM); High temp. 74° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: 0.19 inch.

Jun. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 73° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jun. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy; rain from morning to mid-evening; breezy much of the day (14 mph sustained wind & 24 mph gust at 2:00 PM); High temp. 62° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: 0.37 inch.

Jun. 29, 1974

The low temperature in Baltimore reaches 53 degrees F, the lowest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any June 29th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 53° F; Precip.: None.

Jun. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: None.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during June 1974 is 2.84 inches, below the normal amount of 3.98 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during June 1974 is 77.8 degrees F, well below the normal of 84.4 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during June 1974 is 59.1 degrees F, below the normal of 62.6 degrees.

Jul. 1, 1974

The price of a 45 RPM phonograph record increases from about 79 cents to about $1.19 (or more, in some stores); the price of albums (LPs) also goes up  The price of oil has risen greatly, thus increasing the price of the vinyl that records are made of, since vinyl is made mostly from oil.  Record companies pass on the price increase, but some consumers, worried about the worsening economy, reject the price increase, and record sales temporarily fall off about 20 percent.  

Photograph developing and printing labs are beginning to offer borderless photographic prints for 126 (Kodak Instamatic) and other consumer photo films. Earlier photographic prints have a white border, which also often shows the month and year the photo was printed. For borderless prints, the month and year of printing is often printed on the back of the photos.

Baltimore weather: Light rain near 6:00 AM, becoming partly cloudy to clear; High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

Jul. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 3, 1974

Ernő Rubik invents Rubik's Cube in Budapest, Hungary. It is initially called Magic Cube.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 93° F; Low temp. 69° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 4, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 94° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy; a light thundershower in the early afternoon; breezy until early evening (14 mph sustained wind & 21 mph gust at 12:00 noon); High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 72° F; Precip.: 0.07 inch.

Jul. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jul. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 8, 1974

New York Yankees shortstop Jim Mason ties a major-league record by hitting four doubles in a game as the Yankees defeat the Texas Rangers 12-5.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 94° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 96° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 95° F; Low temp. 72° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jul. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 81° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 94° F; Low temp. 62° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 92° F; Low temp. 75° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 93° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jul. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain after midnight, then cloudy, then clear to partly cloudy; breezy/windy from mid-morning onward (18 mph sustained wind & 24 mph gust at 8:00 PM); High temp. 92° F; Low temp. 72° F; Precip.: 0.05 inch.

Jul. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 22, 1974

Wayne Morse dies at age 73 in Portland, Oregon. He was an attorney and politician, and a U. S. Senator from Oregon from 1945 to 1969. He was one of the first opponents in the U. S. Congress of the Vietnam War.  He was a Republican until 1952, an Independent from 1952 to 1955, and a Democrat thereafter. He was born on October 20, 1900, in Madison, Wisconsin.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 85° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 23, 1974

In the 1974 Major League Baseball All Star Game, the National League defeats the American League, 7-2. The game is played at Three Rivers Stadium in Pittsburgh, PA, and the attendance is 50,706. For the National League, Reggie Smith of the St. Louis Cardinals hits a home run, and Steve Garvey of the Los Angeles Dodgers gets two hits including a double. The American League gets only four hits including a double by Thurman Munson of the New York Yankees. Steve Garvey is named the Most Valuable Player of this All Star Game; he was elected to start this game via write-in ballots.

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy; light rain showers in late afternoon and again in mid-evening; briefly breezy at midday; High temp. 85° F; Low temp. 77° F; Precip.: 0.03 inch.

Jul. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 65° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jul. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: Trace.

Jul. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, the partly cloudy, then clear, then cloudy; a thunderstorm late in the evening; breezy from afternoon to mid-evening (17 mph wind at 2:00 PM); High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 65° F; Precip.: 0.68 inch.

Jul. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 63° F; Precip.: None.

Jul. 31, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: None.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during July 1974 is 0.85 of an inch, well below the normal amount of 4.48 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during July 1974 is 87.2 degrees F, below the normal of 88.8 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during July 1974 is 65.7 degrees F, below the normal of 67.7 degrees.

Aug. 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy to cloudy; a light rain shower in mid-afternoon; High temp. 88° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: 0.02 inch.

Aug. 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy to cloudy; a thundershower early in the evening; occasionally breezy/windy at midday (23 mph sustained wind & 35 mph gust at 1:00 PM); High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 71° F; Precip.: 0.11 inch.

Aug. 4, 1974

Baltimore weather: MOstly cloudy to cloudy; thundershowers in mid-afternoon and early evening; breezy/windy from late morning to mid-afternoon (17 mph sustained wind & 28 mph gust at 3:00 PM); High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: 0.22 inch.

Aug. 5, 1974

A "smoking gun" audio tape is released that demonstrates that U.S. President Richard M. Nixon had been told of the connection of the White House to the June 1972 burglary of Democatic National Committee headquarters offices at the Watergate Office Building in Washington, D.C., and was making plans to cover up the investigation into it.

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: Trace.

Aug. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather:Cloudy, becoming clear; rain until eearly morning; High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 65° F; Precip.: 0.22 inch.

Aug. 8, 1974

At 9:01 PM Eastern time, U. S. President Richard M. Nixon begins a 16-minute speech from the Oval Office to the American public in which he states that he will resign from office. He mentions "the long and difficult period of Watergate", a federal political scandal stemming from the break-in of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) headquarters at the Watergate Office Building by five men during the 1972 presidential election and the Nixon administration's subsequent attempts to cover up its involvement in the crime.

Baltimore weather: Clear, becomig cloudy; a heavy rain shower in mid-afternoon; High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 62° F; Precip.: 0.35 inch.

Aug. 9, 1974

U.S. President Richard M. Nixon resigns from office. He submits a signed letter of resignation to U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, becoming the only U.S. president to resign from office. Vice President Gerald R. Ford is sworn in as the new President of the United States.

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy to cloudy; a thunderstorm in mid-afternoon; High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: 0.87 inch.

Aug. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: Trace.

Aug. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: Light rain; High temp. 81° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: Trace.

Aug. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, becoming partly to mostly cloudy; a heavy rain shower near 4:00 AM; High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: 0.65 inch.

Aug. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: Variable cloudiness; a thundershower in mid-afternoon; High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: 0.12 inch.

Aug. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy; a light rian shower in the early evening; High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: 0.01 inch.

Aug. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly to partly cloudy; light thundershowers and rain showers in mid-afternoon and early evening; High temp. 85° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: 0.05 inch.

Aug. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 63° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; light rain showers late in the afternoon; High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: 0.05 inch.

Aug. 20, 1974

Pitcher Nolan Ryan of the California Angels strikes out 19 Detroit Tigers in a 1-0, 11-inning loss to Detroit. It's the third time this season that Ryan has struck out 19 batters in a game.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 85° F; Low temp. 62° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 65° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; rain showers after midnight and a thunderstorm early in the evening; High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: 0.32 inch.

Aug. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 88° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 81° F; Low temp. 69° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, becoming partly to mostly cloudy; a thunderstorm with heavy rain at midday; High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: 1.73 inches.

Aug. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 86° F; Low temp. 69° F; Precip.: None.

Aug. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy to cloudy; a thunderstorm late in the evneing; High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: 0.37 inch.

Aug. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain after midnight, then cloudy to mostly cloudy; High temp. 89° F; Low temp. 69° F; Precip.: 0.28 inch.

Aug. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly to mostly cloudy, then cloudy; a thundershower in mid-to-late afternoon;  High temp. 88° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: 0.11 inch.

Aug. 31, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy to cloudy; a thunderstorm late in the afternoon; High temp. 85° F; Low temp. 69° F; Precip.: 0.39 inch.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during August 1974 is 5.85 inches, above the normal amount of 4.09 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during August 1974 is 83.7 degrees F, below the normal of 86.5 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during August 1974 is 66.2 degrees F, above the normal of 65.8 degrees.

Sep. 1, 1974

In September 1974, Joseph Heller's "Something Happened" is first published. It is Heller's second novel, 13 years after "Catch-22."

Baltimore weather: Partly to mstly cloudy, then clear, then cloudy; a heavy rain shower late in the evening; High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: 0.31 inch.

Sep. 2, 1974

WFMM (93.1) in Baltimore, an easy-listening FM radio station, becomes WPOC and changes its format to country music.

Baltimore weather: A rain shower just after midnight, then variable cloudiness; High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 67° F; Precip.: 0.10 inch.

Sep. 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: A heavy rain shower just after midnight, then cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy with rain showers from late afternoon to late evening; High temp. 87° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: 0.92 inch.

Sep. 4, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, becoming partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, then clear to partly cloudy; light rain showers in the morning; High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: 0.04 inch.

Sep. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 71° F; Low temp. 53° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; rain from morning onward, becoming heavier in the evening; High temp. 67° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: 1.31 inches.

Sep. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain before 6:00 AM, then cloudy; High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: 0.36 inch.

Sep. 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 66° F; Precip.: Trace.

Sep. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 81° F; Low temp. 69° F; Precip.: 0.08 inch.

Sep. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy; light rain in the morning, then variably cloudy; High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 68° F; Precip.: Trace.

Sep. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear to partly cloudy, becoming cloudy; a thunderstorm and windy late in the evening (21 mph sustained wind & 26 mph gust at 10:00 PM); High temp. 90° F; Low temp. 70° F; Precip.: 0.35 inch.

Sep. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: Rain showers just after midnight, then gradually clearing; High temp. 73° F; Low temp. 58° F; Precip.: 0.08 inch.

Sep. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 54° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 55° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with a light rain shower in the morning, then gradually clearing; High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 62° F; Precip.: Trace.

Sep. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 82° F; Low temp. 61° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with a light rain shower after rmidnight, then becoming clear; High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 64° F; Precip.: Trace.

Sep. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy, becoming cloudy, then partly cloudy; rain in the evneing; High temp. 84° F; Low temp. 57° F; Precip.: 0.22 inch.

Sep. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 71° F; Low temp. 50° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 60° F; Low temp. 46° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 24, 1974

The low temperature in Baltimore reaches 39 degrees F, a tie for the lowest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any September 24th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871. This low temperature ties the 39 degrees F that was recorded in Baltimore on September 24, 1963.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 60° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 54° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 79° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

Sep. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy, then mostly cloudy; rain (occasionally heavy) from morning until evening; High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 62° F; Precip.: 1.67 inches.

Sep. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with a light rain shower in the morning, then clearing, then mostly cloudy; windy/breezy from late morning onward (23 mph sustained wind & 32 mph gust at 3:00 PM); High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: 0.01 inch.

Sep. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 50° F; Precip.: None.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during September 1974 is 5.45 inches, above the normal amount of 4.44 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during September 1974 is 76.7 degrees F, below the normal of 79.7 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during September 1974 is 58.2 degrees F, below the normal of 58.8 degrees.

Oct. 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 46° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with a light rain shower in the morning, then becoming clear; breezy from late morning onward (15 mph sustained wind max.); High temp. 58° F; Low temp. 41° F; Precip.: Trace.

Oct. 3, 1974

The low temperature in Baltimore reaches 34 degrees F, the lowest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any October 3rd (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 52° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 4, 1974

The low temperature in Baltimore reaches 31 degrees F, the lowest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any October 4th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 42° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 46° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 49° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 67° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 75° F; Low temp. 42° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 48° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 13, 1974

Ed Sullivan dies at age 73 in Manhattan, New York, NY, the same city where he was born. He was a television personality, impresario, sports and entertainment reporter, and syndicated columnist for the New York Daily News and the Chicago Tribune New York News Syndicate. He is principally remembered as the creator and host of the television variety program The Toast of the Town, later popularly—and, in 1955, officially—renamed The Ed Sullivan Show. Broadcast for 23 years from 1948 to 1971, it set a record as the longest-running variety show in US broadcast history. Ed Sullivan was born Edward Vincent Sullivan on September 28, 1901.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then partly to mostly cloudy, then cloudy; light rain; High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 60° F; Precip.: Trace.

Oct. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then clear to mostly cloudy, then cloudy; rain (heavy at times) in the evening; High temp. 80° F; Low temp. 54° F; Precip.: 1.00 inch.

Oct. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; light rain showers from midnight until evening; High temp. 55° F; Low temp. 52° F; Precip.: 0.53 inch.

Oct. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 69° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 55° F; Low temp. 41° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 20, 1974 Baltimore weather at BWI Airport: Partly cloudy to mostly cloudy, then clear; breezy in the afternoon; High temp. 49 F, Low temp. 30 F; Precipitation: None.
Oct. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 67° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 71° F; Low temp. 35° F; Precip.: Trace.

Oct. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 63° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, then bacoming cloudy with a light rain shower in the evening, then clear; High temp. 73° F; Low temp. 49° F; Precip.: Trace.

Oct. 26, 1974 Baltimore weather: High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 45° F; Precip.: None.
Oct. 27, 1974

Standard Time returns. Clocks are set back one hour.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 70° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 68° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 47° F; Precip.: None.

Oct. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with light rain showers in the morning, then variably cloudy; High temp. 76° F; Low temp. 56° F; Precip.: Trace.

Oct. 31, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy a light rain shower early in the morning, then becoming clear; High temp. 77° F; Low temp. 55° F; Precip.: Trace.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during October 1974 is 1.53 inches, below the normal amount of 3.94 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during October 1974 is 67.0 degrees F, below the normal of 68.3 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during October 1974 is 43.5 degrees F, below the normal of 46.5 degrees.

Nov. 1, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 51° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; a rain shower in mid-evening; High temp. 78° F; Low temp. 62° F; Precip.: 0.06 inch.

Nov. 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: Variable cloudiness, the cloudy; a light rain shower late in the morning; High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 55° F; Precip.: Trace.

Nov. 4, 1974

The high temperature in Baltimore reaches 83 degrees F, the highest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any November 4th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 83° F; Low temp. 53° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy; rain showers in the morning and evening; High temp. 72° F; Low temp. 59° F; Precip.: 0.19 inch.

Nov. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 45° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 46° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 62° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then variable cloudiness; rain from morning until early evening; High temp. 59° F; Low temp. 45° F; Precip.: 0.65 inch.

Nov. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with a light rain shower, then variably cloudy; High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: Trace.

Nov. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly to mostly cloudy, then cloudy; a rain shower in mid-evening; breezy/windy much of the day (21 mph sustained wind & 31 mph gust at 8:00 PM); High temp. 63° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: 0.04 inch.

Nov. 15, 1974

Snow falls at Baltimore's official National Weather Service weather station at BWI Airport for the first time this snow season.

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with light rain beginning just after midnight and ending near 3:00 AM with a brief period of light snow (a trace of snow); becoming clear; breezy/windy from early morning until evening (25 mph wind gust max.); High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: 0.09 inch (liquid).  No snow on the ground.

Nov. 16, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 54° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 54° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy with snow flurries (a trace of snow), then partly cloudy; High temp. 54° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: Trace.  No snow on the ground.

Nov. 19, 1974

Baltimore weather: Variably cloudy, becoming cloudy; rain just before midnight; High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: 0.01 inch.

Nov. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; light rain showers after midnight until early morning, then around noon, then from late afternoon until early evening; High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 48° F; Precip.: 0.14 inch.

Nov. 21, 1974

More than a month before Christmas, Sears prices all of its holiday-decorating lights at 50 percent off the regular price. The U.S. govenment is encouraging people to save energy to avoid another oil shortage; one suggested way is by reducing or eliminating holiday decorative lighting.  Sears and other stores fear that their stock of holiday lights will go mostly unsold unless prices are slashed.

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy with snow flurries (a trace of snow); breezy in the afternoon; High temp. 49° F; Low temp. 40° F; Precip.: Trace.  No snow on the ground.

Nov. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 49° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 52° F; Low temp. 26° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 65° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 25, 1974

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy, becoming cloudy; rain in the afternoon and early evening, ending with a brief period of snow (a trace of snow); breezy from late morning onward (17 mph sustained wind & 23 mph gust at 7:00 PM); High temp. 57° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: 0.21 inch.  No snow on the ground.

Nov. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 37° F; Low temp. 23° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 27, 1974

The low temperature in Baltimore reaches 18 degrees F, a tie for the lowest temperature ever recorded for Baltimore on any November 27th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871. This low temperature ties the 18° F that was recorded in Baltimore on November 27, 1903.

Baltimore weather: High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 18° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: None.

Nov. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 39° F; Low temp. 27° F; Precip.: None.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during November 1974 is 1.39 inches, including melted snow and ice, below the normal amount of 3.13 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during November 1974 is 57.9 degrees F, just above the normal of 57.3 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during November 1974 is 38.4 degrees F, above the normal of 36.5 degrees. A trace amount of snow falls at Baltimore's official weather station at BWI Airport during November 1974, below the normal amount of 0.1 of an inch.

Dec. 1, 1974

TWA Flight 514 crashes into Mount Weather in Virginia, a low mountain about 25 miles from Dulles International Airport, killing all 92 people on board.  This Boeing 727 plane had been diverted from National Airport in Washington, D.C., to Dulles International, but it crashes in stormy conditions. 

Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 6231 crashes near Stony Point, New York, killing the three crew members on board.  The Boeing 727 plane had been chartered by the Baltimore Colts football team to pick them up in Buffalo, New York, for a flight back to Baltimore.

The Baltimore Colts lose to the Buffalo Bills 6-0 in Buffalo, New York, on two Buffalo field goals in the second quarter.  The Colts are 2-10 this season.

Baltimore receives 1.84 inches of precipitation, the most in Baltimore on any December 1st (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; rain from mid-morning onward, becoming heavier in late evening; windy much of the day (32 mph sustained wind & 47 mph gust at 7:00 PM); High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: 1.84 inches.

Dec. 2, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy; light rain just after midnight and again in the evening; High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 39° F; Precip.: 0.03 inch.

Dec. 3, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 4, 1974

All 191 people on board Martinair Flight 138 are killed when the airplane (a McDonnell Douglas DC-8) crashes into a mountain while on landing approach to Bandaranaike Airport in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Investigators listed the cause of the accident to be a "collision with rising terrain as the crew descended the aircraft below safe altitude owing to incorrect identification of their position vis-a-vis the airport. The investigation is of the opinion that this was the result of dependence on Doppler and Weather Radar Systems on board [the accident airplane] which left room for misinterpretation."

Baltimore weather: High temp. 45° F; Low temp. 33° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 5, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 47° F; Low temp. 24° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 6, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 27° F; Low temp. **° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 7, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy; rain late in the evening; High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 32° F; Precip.: 0.20 inch.

Dec. 8, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; rain until afternoon; High temp. 62° F; Low temp. 43° F; Precip.: 0.95 inch.

Dec. 9, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 43° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: Trace..

Dec. 10, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 35° F; Low temp. 26° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 11, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 50° F; Low temp. 22° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 12, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy; a light rain shower in the morning; breezy at midday (23 mph wind gust at noon); High temp. 59° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 13, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy; a light rain shower late in the evening; High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 35° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 14, 1974

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy, then mostly cloudy; rain before 6:00 AM; windy in the afternoon (31 mph wind gust at 1:00 PM); High temp. 49° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: 0.13 inch.

Dec. 15, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy, then clear, then becoming cloudy; light rain late in the evening; High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: 0.03 inch.

Dec. 16, 1974

Baltimore receives 1.99 inches of precipitation, the most in Baltimore on any December 16th (up to this point) since recordkeeping began in 1871.

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then becoming mostly cloudy; rain (heavy at times) until early afternoon; breezy in the morning (25 mph wind gust at 10:00 AM); High temp. 53° F; Low temp. 38° F; Precip.: 1.99 inches.

Dec. 17, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 18, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 40° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 19, 1974

Nelson A. Rockefeller is sworn in as the 41st U. S. Vice President. He takes the oath of office in the Senate chamber, and it is administered by Chief Justice Warren Burger. President Gerald R. Ford witnesses the event.

Baltimore weather: Clear, becoming cloudy, then variably cloudy; light snow (0.4") late in the morning; High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 28° F; Precip.: 0.03 inch (liquid). No snow on the ground.

Dec. 20, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy, then clear; then becoming cloudy; light rain in the evening; High temp. 44° F; Low temp. 31° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 21, 1974

Baltimore weather: Cloudy, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; light rain late in the evening; High temp. 44° F; Low temp. 35° F; Precip.: 0.05 inch.

Dec. 22, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 46° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 23, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 55° F; Low temp. 26° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 24, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 60° F; Low temp. 34° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 25, 1974

Cyclone Tracy ravages Darwin, Australia. The storm (the equivalent of a hurricane) kills 71 people and it destroys more than 70 percent of the buildings in the city, including 80 percent of the homes. Sustained winds of 110 mph and a wind gust of 150 mph are recorded. (More than 30,000 people evacuate the city before the storm strikes, and many of them decide never to return.)

Baltimore weather: Cloudy with light rain in the morning, then mostly cloudy, then cloudy; windy/breezy from late morning onward (26 mph sustained wind & 40 mph gust at 2:00 PM); High temp. 56° F; Low temp. 37° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 26, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 43° F; Low temp. 27° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 27, 1974

Baltimore weather: Mostly cloudy, becoming cloudy; a light rain shower in the evening; High temp. 45° F; Low temp. 29° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 28, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 51° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 29, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 48° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: Trace.

Dec. 30, 1974

Baltimore weather: High temp. 61° F; Low temp. 36° F; Precip.: None.

Dec. 31, 1974

Baltimore weather: Partly cloudy, becoming cloudy; rain from mid-afternoon to late evening; a trace of snow in the evening (no snow accumulation); High temp. 42° F; Low temp. 30° F; Precip.: 0.45 inch (liquid). No snow on the ground.

The total precipitation for Baltimore during December 1974 is 5.70 inches, including melted snow and ice, above the normal amount of 3.71 inches. The average daily high temperature for Baltimore during December 1974 is 48.8 degrees F ,above the normal of 47.5 degrees. The average daily low temperature for Baltimore during December 1974 is 31.7 degrees F, above the normal of 29.6 degrees. A total of 0.4 of an inch of snow falls at Baltimore's official weather station at BWI Airport during December 1974, below the normal amount of 2.5 inches

Total precipitation for Baltimore in 1974 is 37.76 inches, which is 4.51 inches below the normal amount of 42.27 inches.